Für maximale Leistung

Strength training improves your athletic performance.

Sports preparation

Many athletes concentrate on building up the muscles that determine their performance. Other muscle groups are neglected and the importance of supplementary strength training is underestimated.

Supplementary strength training can make an important contribution to optimising athletic performance. It aims to develop strength, stability and mobility in areas that are less of a priority in the sport. This helps to reduce the risk of injury and improve athletic performance.

The fact is: supplementary strength training to build up target and auxiliary muscles is a must for every ambitious athlete. At 2 x 30 minutes per week, Kieser offers efficient training for athletes.

What are the benefits of strength training as preparation for sport?

Increases cardiovascular fitness
Compensates for imbalances
Stabilises and supports the joints
Protects against sports injuries

Realising performance potential

Intensive strength training is essential for building up performance in your sport: the intensive training stimulus allows nerves and muscle fibres to interact better and increases muscle mass by producing more muscle protein and storing it in the fibres. This boosts strength and increases resistance to fatigue. You become more efficient and protect yourself against a drop in performance, e.g. towards the end of competitions.

Strength training also makes the muscle-tendon units stiffer. During cyclical movements such as running, more energy is stored when braking a step. The positive effects: Improved push-off power and economy of movement.

Die Aufnahme zeigt eine Person, die ihre Sportschuhe zubindet.

Mit Krafttraining werden Sie leistungsfähiger.

Prevent injuries

Die Aufnahme zeigt eine Joggerin. Sie steht auf einer Strasse, beugt sich nach vorne und hält ihre Hände auf das rechte Knie.

Trained muscles protect against sports injuries.

Overuse syndromes, injuries and complaints often mean the end of the season and are the horror for every athlete. You can prevent them with strength training: It has been proven that two out of three sports injuries and half of all overuse syndromes can be prevented. Strong muscles all round act like a protective corset.

The core muscles, especially the back extensors, stabilise the spine and protect its structures from overloading, premature wear and tear and discomfort. Strength training also offers great benefits for the joints: They become more muscularly stabilised again and training across the entire range of motion can even increase mobility.

In the long term, strength training also improves the resilience of bones.

Compensate for imbalances

Many people suffer from muscular imbalances due to one-sided strain in sport or in everyday life. This refers to imbalances in the strength ratio of the muscles. This often results in poor posture and discomfort. Kieser has a balancing effect here.

The training is designed not only to train all the important muscles and muscle groups, but also to strengthen flexor and extensor muscles in a balanced way. Thanks to the machines, this is also achieved through the individually possible range of motion.

In this way, athletes avoid or correct muscular imbalances and protect themselves from poor posture and complaints.

Die Grafik zeigt die Silhouette eines Mannes. Seine Schulter sind auf die linke Seite geneigt. Ein Balken ist über die Schultern gelegt und verdeutlicht die geneigte Position.

Prevent poor posture with Kieser.

Increase cardiovascular fitness

Die Aufnahme zeigt einen Kunden, der an der Trainingmaschine H1 von Kieser Training trainiert.

Strength training supports your endurance.

US and British scientists came to the clear conclusion that high-intensity strength training to the point of momentary muscle failure significantly improves cardiovascular fitness. In a review published in the Journal of Exercise Physiology online, they explain: "The acute metabolic and molecular responses to strength training to the point of momentary muscle exhaustion are no different from those to traditional endurance training." Longer-term reactions observed included an increase in mitochondrial enzymes, the proliferation of mitochondria, the conversion of the phenotype IIx to IIa muscle fibres and vascular remodelling including capillarisation. These are all factors that contribute to increased endurance.

Strengthen ankles

Our feet move in the ankle joints. These must be equipped to withstand high loads, as they not only bear our body weight: even during normal walking, the load is increased up to sevenfold. Abrupt stops, quick changes of direction and jumps, as occur in running-intensive sports such as football, tennis, handball or jogging, further increase the load.

With the B3 and B4 foot machines, you can specifically train the muscles of the ankle joint. Combined with training of the calf and anterior shin muscles, they stabilise your feet and give you support. The isolated training of the muscles clearly reduces the risk of injury.

Die Aufnahme zeigt die Füsse eines Kunden der an der Fussmaschine B3/B4 von Kieser Training trainiert.

Use the foot machines B3 and B4 to strengthen the muscles of the ankle joint.

Improve your athletic performance with strength training and get the most out of your activities.