Kieser. Always a little stronger.

A strong back, healthy fat loss, less pain and a powerful life. This is what the international Kieser studio chain, which specialised in highly efficient strength training on machines stands for.

Your advantages: Effective back training with Kieser

Trust the back specialist

Our expertise is based on over 55 years of experience.

Scientifically sound method

We take your physical constitution into account and customise the training plan accordingly.

Medical training counselling

Our experts will help you achieve your goals.

The Kieser solution

High training quality and demonstrable success.

Personalised support

Computer-assisted training on the lumbar extension machine incl. back analysis for optimum back training.

Calm & concentration

Safe and quiet training environment without distractions.

What helps with back pain?

The Kieser solution: computer-assisted training on the lumbar extension machine

To prevent or alleviate back pain, it is important to specifically strengthen the deep back muscles. However, larger muscles often do the work, leaving the small back extensors in the lumbar region weak. Targeted training of these muscles is therefore essential.

Efficient and isolated back training

For targeted back training, the back extensors must be isolated from the surrounding muscles. The pelvis is fixed on the Lumbar Extension (LE) training machine, which inactivates the gluteal and leg muscles. The LE therefore enables safe and effective training of the back extensors.

Das Bild zeigt die Rückenmaschine Lumbar Extension von Kieser Training.

Training plan for lasting success

In the build-up phase, one training session a week should be completed on the LE. Significant strength gains are usually achieved after 12 to 18 sessions. After this, LE training can be reduced to once a month. In addition, Kieser recommends a 30-minute full-body workout twice a week.

KIESER: The pioneer in health-promoting strength training

In 1967, Werner Kieser founded Kieser Training AG, one of the first companies in Europe to utilise the health-promoting effects of strength training. Through continuous innovation and scientific research, specialised training equipment was developed that offers maximum effects with minimum time expenditure. The Kieser Method enables time-efficient, scientifically based training on exclusive equipment. Customised training for beginners and advanced users.